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2015-06-01 11:58:00 阅读:(南宁宏博教育


send one's love/wishes/regards 给某人的……

send out ①派出 ②发出(气味、光线、声音等) ③寄出(邀请、通知等) ④发芽

send round/around 传递、传阅

send up 使……上升;发射

sentence sb.to death 判某人死刑(常用被动)

separate A from B 将A和B分开

set a good example to sb.给某人树立了好榜样

set about doing 开始去做

set aside 放一边、置之不理

set fire to sth.给……放火

set in 局限于

set off for sp.到某地

set out for sp.出发去某地

set out to do 开始去做

set phrases 固定短语

set sb.free 把……释放

set up a record 创立纪录

set up for sp.到某地

set up 建立组织(团体、机构等)

settle down 定居、安居

settle oneself 使某人自己稳定下来

settle the problem 解决问题

shake hands with sb.与……握手

share sth.with sb.与某人共享

shift round the clock 倒班、轮换值班

shock the whole world 震惊全世界

shoot at 朝……射击,瞄准

should have done 本应该做(却没做)(虚拟语气)

shouldn't have done 本不该做(却做了)(虚拟语气)

shout at sb.向某人喊(有不礼貌的含义)

shout to sb.向某人喊

show (sb.) around 带某人参观